Saturday, November 23, 2019

Notes on Social Media Cleanse

I did a Facebook blackout for a week, and ended up completely forgetting about the place—it was wonderful!
As a writer/musician, it’s not realistic for me to delete my account and walk away permanently—90% of the Indiegogo fundraising we did for our Firstimers debut album came from our heroic FB contacts. In the future, I hope to be able to entice some my social media friends into reading my novel, if it ever gets published. I know some brilliant people on FB, whose opinions I value, and I don’t want to lose those connections.
But walking away for a week felt great. The first hour was the hardest, when my thumb automatically opened the FB app on my phone several times like some kind of Pavlovian ingrained behavior. So I shifted the app onto another screen, buried among unused apps, and immediately forgot about it.
After a few days, I started getting a lot of FB emails: So-and-so posted a picture, somebody else replied to an event, whatever—which tells me that the algorithm noticed that I was inactive and wanted to pull me back in. That felt like a tiny victory. The best part is, when the week was finally over, I forgot to log back in. The app was no longer in its usual place, and my thumb had broken the habit of tapping it. I’m a few days late with this summary because of that. For those of you struggling with (a) the addictive nature of Facebook, and/or (b) the collusion of Facebook with white supremacy, right wing politics, and conspiracy-mongering, I highly recommend a week-long cleanse. You can come back, we’ll still be there. Where else can we go?

Sunday, November 10, 2019


What is the future of humanity? Can we survive our current dangerous flirtations with climate change and nuclear war? Do we even deserve to?

RUNNING BEAR tells the story of an ambitious project to design a mission capable of transporting a thousand highly-skilled humans to colonize another solar system, carrying along an Archive of everything that makes humanity worth saving--art, literature, cinema, poetry, and of course, science.

The story takes place over three interwoven time frames: Oscar Running Bear and his team of astronauts and scientists as they make their final preparations in the BioDome in the Nevada desert before ascending into orbit; Oscar's first conversations with the eccentric billionaire who's bankrolling the mission; and Oscar's troubled childhood on the Navajo reservation where he grew up. These three timelines collide in a bleak ending that seems to snuff out all hope for the mission and for humanity--and yet a few threads of hope remain.

RUNNING BEAR was awarded F(r)iction Magazine's Short Story Award in the spring of 2019, and has just been published online in issue #14--the Survival Issue. If you like what you read, rejoice: the story doesn't end here. In fact, this is just the opening chapter in a longer and more involved story, also titled RUNNING BEAR, which carries the story of the mission (and some of the same characters) much farther into the universe.

Art by Enrica Angiolni

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Le Singe

Le Singe (2012)

Il ne faut jamais voir le singe dans les yeux--jamais!

Filmed with Gavin Dunnet's spooky-ass postcard. Seriously--don't look at it.

Night Shift

Night Shift (2010)

'Twas a spooky night, and 'tdidn't end well.

Filmed with Nick

Ezmoot's Wild Kingdom

Ezmoöt's Wild Kingdom (1999)

Sometimes the only thing keeping you sane is your non-stop monologue about the majestic dances of the moths in your window.

Filmed on location in Zacatecas, Mexico with Laura Grey in the spring of 1998. Not that many moths were harmed in the making of this motion picture.


Zyprexia! (2015)

When talking to yourself, it's important to remember which one of you is imaginary.

How to Drink Whiskey

How to Drink Whiskey (2014)

It's pretty simple, really.

But you're going to need both eyeglasses *and* sunglasses. This is non-negotiable.

The Kessel Run

Pata and I made this video with a fully functional Millennium Falcon in Zacatecas around 2005.